Ifugao State U now offers TESDA-accredited assessment in Luzon

Photo courtesy of Ifugao State University Facebook page.

The Ifugao State University’s (IFSU) Competency Assessment Center for Handloom Weaving (Upright) has earned accreditation from the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (Tesda). 

This achievement makes IFSU the first authorized facility in the entire Luzon region to conduct assessments for handloom weaving skills.

Previously, weavers in Luzon had to travel to other regions to obtain a Tesda National Competency 2 (NC2) certification in handloom weaving. 

The accreditation of IFSU’s center eliminates this need, providing a more accessible option for weavers to formally recognize their skills and potentially opening doors to new opportunities in the weaving industry.

“This accreditation strengthens IFSU’s established role as a training and assessment center across various programs,” said a statement from the university, according to The Manila Times. 

On May 20, a TESDA team visited the Ifugao State University (IFSU) Lamut Campus to assess the readiness of the then-proposed competency assessment center. The team, including regional and provincial representatives and a technical expert, evaluated documents, tools, equipment, and the facility.

The assessment process will be based on NC2 standards, ensuring that certified weavers possess the necessary competencies to excel in the craft. 

Those interested in obtaining the NC2 certification can apply at the Department of Extension and Training office at IFSU. 

The assessment fee is P1,298 and requires a passport-size ID picture.