UP System to Filipino researchers: Turn your ideas into reality with expanded innovation fellowship program

To better connect academia with industry, the University of the Philippines (UP) System is boosting efforts to empower Filipino researchers by helping turn their ideas into practical applications through the expansion of its University Innovation Fellowship (UIF) program.

UP Vice President for Academic Affairs Leo Cubillan said that “we (will) equip them with the necessary tools and skills, and networking and partnerships,” highlighting the university’s commitment to nurturing innovation among researchers.

Recently, the program’s sixth batch of fellows were introduced during the launch event held on May 20 at the Executive House, UP Diliman. 

These Filipino researchers, coming from various UP constituent universities, have a chance to develop their research further with the UIF program’s support. 

The UIF program, established in May 2019, offers a platform for researchers to collaborate, receive mentorship, and gain access to resources needed to transform their research into commercially viable products. 

It provides financial incentives to qualified participants, including grants for invention disclosure, fellowship awards, and bridge funding for technology transfer.

According to UP President Angelo Jimenez, the program goes beyond providing resources, noting that “the University is committed to getting every available resource, every available policy, every available adjustment that is in my power to make sure you succeed.” 

To date, the UIF program has successfully trained and supported 27 teams composed of more than 30 inventors and researchers, and more than 60 business development and intellectual property officers, according to UP System’s Transfer and Business Development Office Director Luis Sison.

The program has yielded positive results, generating over 30 agreements that include commercial and non-commercial licenses, research services, collaborative research, and material transfer agreements.

Looking ahead, UP also seeks to extend the fellowship program to state universities and colleges (SUCs) nationwide. This expansion highlights UP’s belief that partnerships with SUCs are essential for improving higher education and research in the Philippines. 

This year, they target to include 30 representatives from different SUCs, aiming to collaborate with over 200 SUCs in the next five years.