UP unveils 10 flagship programs aimed at public service and national development

In a move to further solidify its role as the nation’s premier academic institution, the University of the Philippines (UP) under President Angelo Jimenez has outlined ten flagship programs as part of its Strategic Plan 2023-2029.

“These initiatives are designed to elevate UP’s contributions towards fostering a just, equitable, and sustainable society,” Jimenez said during the media launch at the Malcolm Hall in UP College of Law on June 18.

Jimenez, now in his second year at the helm, emphasized UP’s commitment to not only uphold academic excellence but also to extend its reach beyond conventional educational boundaries.

Rooted in the principles of “Honor, Excellence, and Service,” UP aims to address pressing societal challenges through its roles as a teaching, research and public service university, and as the country’s sole national university.

“UP must serve the people,” Jimenez said, underscoring the university’s mandate under Republic Act No. 9500 to lead in higher education and national development.

Key among the flagship programs is the initiative to broaden access to quality education through more inclusive admissions processes. This includes establishing UPCAT testing centers in every province by 2024 and providing comprehensive support to applicants from underrepresented and disadvantaged backgrounds.

Furthermore, UP aims to integrate public service into all facets of its operations, enhancing initiatives like the Ugnayan ng Pahinungód volunteer program and exploring mechanisms to give merit to public service in faculty promotions.

Beyond admissions and public service, UP is committed to strengthening its academic and research capacities. This involves developing faculty expertise, revising the core curriculum to address contemporary challenges, and establishing research and innovation hubs across its campuses.

Digital transformation also features prominently in UP’s agenda, with plans to enhance digital infrastructure and accessibility university-wide, ensuring that UP remains at the forefront of educational technology.

President Jimenez stressed the importance of aligning UP with global standards while nurturing local arts and culture, aiming to enrich the academic experience with a deep appreciation of Filipino heritage.

Looking forward, UP’s strategic initiatives underscore its pivotal role in shaping the future of Philippine higher education and national development. By expanding its public service initiatives, enhancing academic offerings and embracing technological advancements, UP seeks not only to maintain its status as a leader in education but also to empower communities and contribute significantly to the nation’s growth.

“UP cannot stand in isolation. If everyone cannot come to UP, then UP must go where it can help raise academic standards, contribute to development at the local and national level, and provide resources to strengthen not only other educational institutions but the Philippines as a whole,” he said.